Are you looking for an efficient solution for the administrative management of your employees in Geneva? Find out how a fiduciary can help you manage the administrative management of your employees in Geneva, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

How can a fiduciary manage the payroll management of your employees in Geneva?

Are you looking for an efficient solution to manage the administrative management of your employees in Geneva? Hiring a fiduciary may be the answer to your needs.

Fiduciaries in Geneva like RISTER can offer a range of services, such as payroll management, employment contracts, social insurance, tax declarations and administrative management consulting, to help you stay in compliance with cantonal, federal and international laws and optimise your employee management processes. 

Find out how a Swiss fiduciary can help you manage the administrative management of your employees in Geneva and focus your efforts on the core activities of your business.

As a business owner in Geneva, you are aware that employee administration can be a complex and time-consuming task. Between managing salaries, employment contracts, social insurance and tax returns, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. That's where a fiduciary can help.

As experts in financial management, Swiss fiduciaries offer a range of services to help businesses manage the administrative aspects of their employees. They can provide payroll, accounting, tax, social insurance, contract management and pension advice.

Below, we will explore how a Swiss  fiduciary can help you manage the administrative management of your employees in Geneva.

1. Payroll management

Payroll management is one of the most important tasks in employee administration. Fiduciaries can handle all payroll-related tasks, including labour law issues, applicable collective agreements, preparation of salary slips, management of your employees' entries and exits, management of work permit applications as well as compulsory insurance and pension fund applications, family allowances, and the declaration and payment of withholding taxes for employees holding B and G border permits.

By outsourcing your payroll to a fiduciary, you can ensure that salaries are paid on time and that taxes and social security contributions are declared and paid correctly. 

This can help you avoid costly mistakes and reduce the risk of disputes with employees or authorities.

2. Managing employment contracts

Managing employment contracts is another important task in the administrative management of employees. Fiduciaries can help you draft employment contracts for your employees, as well as manage amendments and terminations.

Fiduciaries can also help you comply with local labour laws, applicable collective agreements, working conditions and social insurance laws (AVS, LAA, LPP, IJM). This can help you avoid disputes with employees and fines for non-compliance.


3. Social insurance management

Social insurance management is an important task for all companies in Geneva. Fiduciaries can help you manage the social insurance contributions for your employees, as well as the corresponding declarations and payments.

Fiduciaries can also help you comply with complex social insurance rules, such as rules on pension funds, occupational and non-occupational accident insurance, family allowances and unemployment benefits. This can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure that you are in compliance with local laws.

4. Managing tax returns

Managing tax returns for withholding tax in Geneva is another important task in employee administration. Fiduciaries can help you manage monthly withholding tax returns for your employees, including withholding tax scale adjustments, VAT returns and withholding tax returns.

By outsourcing the management of tax returns to a fiduciary, you can ensure that your declarations are completed accurately and in a timely manner, thus avoiding fines and penalties for non-compliance with the laws relating to AVS, LAA, LPP and IJM social contributions. Fiduciaries can also help you optimise your tax obligations, identifying deductions and exemptions for which you may be eligible.

5. Advice on administrative management

Fiduciaries can also provide administrative advice to help you optimise your employee management processes. They can help you develop human resources policies, implement performance management procedures, and establish succession plans for your business.

By working with a fiduciary, you can benefit from the expertise and experience of a professional who is aware of current trends in employee management and can help you stay current with local laws.

Employee administration can be complex and time-consuming, but it is essential to the smooth running of your business. By hiring a fiduciary to handle payroll, contracts, social insurance, tax returns and administrative management advice, you can focus on the core business of your company while being assured that your employees are well managed.

Fiduciaries can offer a range of services to meet your employee administration needs, and their expertise can help you avoid costly mistakes and stay in compliance with local laws. If you are looking for an administrative management solution for your business in Geneva, a fiduciary may be the ideal solution to help you achieve your business goals.

Contact us to start your initial consultation now. We would be delighted to get to know you and define the next steps in your project to establish a company in Switzerland.

Fill in our contact form or call us on +41(0)22 566 82 45



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