On January 1, 2024, Switzerland has announced changes to its VAT rates. The standard rate will increase from 7.7% to 8.1%, while the reduced rate will be 2.6% and the special rate will be 3.8%. Companies operating in Switzerland will need to take these changes into account in their calculations and tax obligations from this date.

Swiss Tax representation. New VAT rates in Switzerland: effective January 1, 2024

VAT rates in Switzerland vary according to the goods and services concerned. Here is an overview of the main VAT rates in force from January 1, 2024:

1. Standard rate: The standard rate of VAT in Switzerland is 8.1%. It applies to most goods and services, such as everyday consumer goods, clothing, electronics, professional services, leisure activities, restaurants, etc.

2. Reduced rate : A reduced rate of 2.6% is applied to certain specific goods and services. These include basic foodstuffs such as unprocessed agricultural products, books, newspapers and magazines, medicines, public transport, hotel accommodation, cinema and theater tickets, etc.

3. Special rate: A special rate of 3.8% applies to the hotel industry for accommodation services provided by establishments such as campsites, vacation homes, guest houses, etc.

It is important to note that certain goods and services may be exempt from VAT in Switzerland. This mainly concerns the fields of health, education, social and cultural services, as well as certain financial and real estate activities. These exemptions are subject to specific criteria and regulations.

In addition, companies registered for VAT in Switzerland must collect this tax on their sales and remit it to the tax authorities. They can also reclaim the VAT paid on goods and services they purchase for their business activities, thus minimizing the financial impact of the tax.

It should be noted that VAT rates in Switzerland may be revised from time to time, and may be subject to changes by the tax authorities. It is therefore important to keep abreast of updates and to consult an expert such as RISTER – Fiduciary in Geneva for precise advice on the VAT rates applicable to your specific activity in Switzerland.

A tax representative in Switzerland can play a vital role in helping an international company meet its VAT reporting obligations.

Regulatory watch: The tax representative monitors legislative and regulatory developments concerning VAT in Switzerland. He keeps the international company informed of important changes and new or modified obligations, enabling it to remain up to date and comply with evolving tax requirements.

Réforme 2025 de la TVA (taxe sur la valeur ajoutée) en Suisse

La réforme de la TVA prévue pour 2025 en Suisse vise à moderniser la législation fiscale, en réponse à l'évolution du commerce numérique et à l'internationalisation des services. Les modifications principales sont :

1. Numérisation et internationalisation : Toutes les plateformes de vente en ligne seront tenues de s'inscrire à la TVA pour chaque livraison effectuée en Suisse, sans exception basée sur le volume des affaires, et l'Administration fédérale des contributions pourra appliquer des mesures strictes pour assurer la conformité.

2. Simplifications pour les PME : Les PME auront la possibilité de déclarer la TVA annuellement plutôt que trimestriellement ou mensuellement, réduisant leurs charges administratives. Les entreprises étrangères pourront également être exemptées de nommer un représentant fiscal en Suisse sous certaines conditions.

3. Réductions et exonérations de TVA :Introduction de taux réduits pour des produits spécifiques comme les produits d'hygiène menstruelle, et des exonérations pour des services liés au tourisme et aux événements culturels.

4. Lutte contre la fraude : Des mesures renforcées seront mises en place, telles que l'exigence de garanties de la part des dirigeants d'entreprises récidivistes en faillite et l'imposition des transferts de droits d’émission.

Ces changements visent à garantir une collecte de la TVA plus équitable et systématique, réduire la complexité administrative pour les PME, et améliorer la transparence et l'efficacité du système fiscal suisse face aux défis du commerce numérique et mondial.

It is important for an international company to choose a competent and experienced tax representative in Switzerland, who understands local regulations and the specifics of Swiss VAT. Working with a Swiss tax representative like RISTER can help ensure tax compliance, minimize risk and make it easier to manage Swiss VAT reporting obligations.

Contact us to start your initial consultation today. We'd be delighted to get to know you and work with you to define the next steps in registering your company for VAT in Switzerland.

Fill in our contact form or call us on +41(0)22 566 82 45

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